Monday, November 7, 2011

recent update

sorry for such a long wait.. well, I assume no one will read my blog anyway. Anyway, a short update on my recent news~ Hmm.. 23rd September 2011 was a memorable day as my sis had married to the guy she loves. Congraz to both of them..~

Guess where was I in the picture below. A make up look is totally different with the nerdy look I usually have. Yea~

and last but not least, I have officially graduated. Yeahh~

and guess where was I in the picture? *Hint: the shortes..*

Next to go.. my birthday on this Friday and Penang bridge marathon on the 20th November... and of course, tones of works to be completed by end of the sprint.. Aza aza fighting.!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

music sharing.. again~

So shameful of myself, as I had mistaken the show time of Mayday 3DNA movie. Indeed, Big Cinema in Kulim doesn't show this movie.. (ノ◇≦。)

So, I came back home earlier than I thought and I start youtube and facebook as usual.  I just came by this song recently and I quite like it. The name is "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic! At the Disco and this video is their acoustic version of the song.

One thing I like about the concert/music sharing held in western countries is there's no crazy fans screaming or yelling... This is called as respect to the singer.. and yeah, I can listen to his voice so clearly in this video!  :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

drop in the ocean

Let me intro a very nice song by a not so famous singer in US.. Ron Pope.
I accidentally found out his songs in youtube and get attracted by his unique voice in the song "A Drop in the Ocean".. So, I dropped him a message in his page and unbelievable he actually replied that!!! Wooohooo.. so happy!! This has made my day~~

Enjoy his song~

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Woohoo.. Finally get my Haagen-Dazs voucher from my company. Thanks for the recognition from my colleague. I never knew helping colleague in getting his job done can get free voucher. Maybe this is normal for others, but this is my first time; and I'm so proud of it. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011





OAOA (現在就是永遠)

我相信 苦澀的 眼淚
我不信 甜美的 誓言
我相信 音樂就該 音樂

我相信 愛情的 純粹
我不信 華麗的 詩篇
我相信 熱烈的 爭辯
我不信 無聲的 和諧

我相信 秒秒的 瞬間
我不信 年年的 永遠
我相信 搖滾就能萬歲

別想 別怕 別後退
現 在 就 是 永 遠

去瘋 去愛 去浪費
和我 再唱 OA OAOA


Credit to
阿信's blog

Saturday, August 27, 2011

recent update

It's been a long time after the last chat with Duing, and found out I had been a month didn't update my blog.
Nothing special happen.. I had worked for 4 months. Time flies.

Recently I spammed a so called himself as Gen-Z (who is actually a Gen-X) the songs I like. He often addresses me as a Gen-Y (who born in year 1980~1989).
Seems like he's kind of addicted to a song cover sang by Sam Tsui and Christina Grimme (Just a Dream by Nelly).

Thanks to Duing intro me this nice Korean song.
I'm not into boys group, but this is really nice one.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


While reading through Mao's blog, I saw the picture he has posted for quite long ago.
Then I realized, I have a similar shirt and have no idea how to match it. Why don't I wear a vest so that it won't look so dull?
After I have started working, I seldom notice on fashion or dressing style. I have been cracking head for this streak pattern shirt because it makes me look fat!!! Thanks to Mao, problem solved. (^ ^)v


First time joined this Bon Odori event. First time meet my "long time" facebook friend there. First time... :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Untitled 7/11

709, a day to remember, where we, Malaysians fought for a fair election.
Honestly, I had done nothing during that day, except changed my profile pic into yellow and watched the videos posted by my friends. In these videos, I saw how police treated on the unarmed citizens, brutally hit them and shoot tear gas into hospital. How sad our government denied what they have done and lied about the number of people who had participated.

Next story I'm going to share is the quarterly event held by my team today. I felt so glad that after I joined this company, I had chance to eat seafood buffet in a 5 stars hotel; and today, just had my lunch in TGI friday and free 3D movie- Transformer. Oh yea, before the lunch, we also had a free durian breakfast in Balik Pulau. My colleagues claimed that they hadn't eat any seafood buffet or TGI friday before I joined the team. How lucky I am. No wonder I gained 2kg after I started work... Arrgghh...

Hmm.. I like this song..
"Let your heart sing and tonight, we light up the stars,
All that you are."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

NS gathering

NS Gathering.
It has been 5 years since we first met in Kem Tasoh, Perlis. Everyone has changed, and I barely recognized the most of them except Peiyong. It's good to know you guys again!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Unofficially Graduated

It's the end of the last chapter in my university life. Next week, I gonna start another new chapter of a new story of my life. While enjoying my remaining holidays in Penang, I have to start revising on C and C++ languages. This is due to the interview with my future boss, I kinda lied that I'm good in these 2 languages; indeed, I'm not. Reading back those "Classes", "Friendship and Inheritance" and "Polymorphism" are making myself suffocated. Not to mention about "Pointer" and "Link List" which used to be my nightmare during Beta year. My future boss will gonna hate me if I need him to become my tutor, so I must make sure this won't happen.

You know, when you think, "nehh.. I won't become a software engineer because I damn hate programming..", God will arrange you with this job. It happens on me. I dislike programming the most during my university life, where I can only obtained a B or B-. So what do I ended up with? *Sigh* I'm gonna learn extra hard and OT often to get my job done.

Next week, nightmare begin!!

Friday, May 6, 2011




我都忍了这么久了,怎么一个金币都看不到? (哭泣)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jokes of the day

Jokes that make my day~
Taken from baidu about the vocalist of Mayday, Ashin.

1) 阿信:大家夏天都会干麻呀...
 台下:@$#^@*!( (讲很多听不清楚)
 阿信扳起手指头数:可以去海边玩呀.吃冰呀 还有什么...?还有五月天的新专辑呀!!
 阿信:但是今天只唱旧歌 XDD (瞬间冷掉,然后就唱温柔)

2) 莎∶阿信有厌食症,他看到食物就说∶我讨厌你!!"然后就把食物吃了

3) 阿信:我..我学生时代就是个书呆子

4) 阿信∶『请大家不要跟五月天表白』 ,『我们处理不了那么多人耶』...哈哈。

5) 阿信:谚明,所以你钱都是把它管理得很好吗。

Sunday, May 1, 2011

MMU awards

his is my first time attend the MMU awards. Thanks to MMU career fair for giving me this experience before graduate.

The hall is nicely decorated. Somehow it looks like a "kenduri" for me.

The entrance ticket.

housemate and roommate.

Ok, I look like an aunty who grabs for goodies bags...

Chancellor of the Multimedia University, Dr Siti Hasmah.

Yeahhh.. I was able to shake hand with Dr. Siti Hasmah

Congratulation to MMU career fair 2010/2011

Shawn,"I'm the best MC!!"

The loving couple.. or should I say, husband and wife? Hehe..

Robin with Matt, the Sponsorship director.

Matt and I. (Gosh I look fat in this pic!!!)

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Tomorrow I have to meet my supervisor.. pass up my draft thesis AGAIN.
Hopefully this time he don't comment anything on it.. and also on my slides.

I just wish this nightmare can end soon...

Friday, April 22, 2011


While browsing through youtube for new songs, I accidentally discover an "angmo" sings Chinese song- 童话 by Guang Liang. Amazingly the angmo can speaks the chinese words accurately. Nice one, really!

Appreciation Dinner~

Congraz to MMU career fair 2011, which was such a successful event and we were able to enjoy our appreciation dinner in Marriott Hotel. This appreciation dinner was somehow like a prom night to me,because there is no prom night held in Cyberjaya this year (sad case.. wuwuwu..).

Can anyone see me from this pic? Small little tiny dot in this pic..

Yean Fern and I, took the pic inside bus.

Yean Fern and I, inside the ball room.

It was a huge crowd for this appreciation dinner. ^ ^

Natalie and I. She always looks so gorgeous.

Shu Han and I. Yea la, you're the sexiest in this dinner. :P

The director, Shawn was giving the speech before the dinner begin.

The stage and the MC at the corner.

Delicious food was served. Thumb up!

This is me, no doubt..

Me again..... hehe..

The sponsorship director, Matt and I.

Yean Fern, Matt and I.

"Syoik Sendiri" in the restroom.. XDDDD

Wednesday, April 13, 2011





Monday, April 11, 2011


很想举办一个Tele gathering。




Friday, March 25, 2011

Career Fair 2011

It's been a while I haven't update my blog..

Main reason is because I'm super lazy.. even dealing with my thesis, my progress is 1 paragraph per day.. I'm not good in essay writing, hence it took me quite sometime to vomit out the Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of my thesis.

Second reason is because I have joined Career Fair 2011's working committee. For the past few years Career Fair, I was only the PR who welcome the students at the counter. This time, I had brand new experience, where I had to work with a company, helping them to set up booth and etc. I'm so happy when the company is very grateful for my help. I had a fun time with the company I was taking care with, at the meanwhile interacted with other companies. During the job interview of ViTrox company, we actually chatted inside the interview room, which took 30 minutes longer than other candidates. Unlike other interview sections I went through before, this one is less stressful and more enjoyable ( I bet no one will feel job interview is enjoyable). There were still some companies representatives still keep in touch with me although the event ended 2 days ago. Yes~~ I have finally broaden my network!!

The good news- We will have an appreciation trip!!!! Yahoooooooo.....!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011





Saturday, January 29, 2011

some medical knowledge to share.


如果你的額頭總有大粒痘痘不斷,那說明你的肝臟已經積累了過多毒素,不規律的生 活、晝夜顛倒、長時間 熬夜都會讓肝臟不能在正常時間(夜裏10 點~12點)工作,毒素就會積累下來。 長效建議:讓肝臟按時工作(壓力大,脾氣差,造成心火和血液迴圈有問題。 應早睡早起,多喝水。) 晚10點按時上床睡覺,讓身體進入休眠狀態。 哪怕睡不著,就是放鬆狀態下也有利於肝臟排毒工作。 表示心火過旺,脾氣不好。中醫研究發現,長期思慮過度、勞心傷神的人,額頭上常常會長出痘痘來,一般此類人心理壓力比較大,脾氣也不太好,一點小事就容易 放在心上,也容易斤斤計較,工作中不乏細緻,但生活中卻易流於瑣碎,從而引起心火旺盛、心火上炎。 中醫認為,五臟當中,心為君主之官,主理人體的神志和血脈功能,如果多思多慮的話,必然耗傷心氣,容易出現入睡困難、睡中多夢、晨醒過早等睡眠問題,也容 易造成氣血運行阻滯,出現心悸、胸悶、氣短等症狀。這類情況的降火應以養心為先。 心是體內的主宰,配合其他所有臟腑的功能活動,它推動血液輸送全身,並統管全身的精神、意識、思維活動。 養心鍛煉應注意“三適”:適時,時間最好安排在清晨或傍晚天氣涼爽時;適量,提倡輕鬆運動,時間控制在20~30分鐘左右,強度適當減小;適地,儘量到戶 外運動,選擇公園、湖邊、庭院等陰涼通風的地方。應注意勞逸結合、適當休息,養成早睡早起的習慣,睡眠充足,特別是要儘量改變多思多慮的生活習慣,尋找一 種適合自己的放鬆心情、舒緩壓力的方式。


當鼻翼處 長 出 痘痘 時,除了此處油脂分泌旺盛的原因外,還是胃火過大、消化不良的表現。如果鼻頭還有輕微脫皮現象,表明血液迴圈也不是很好。另外,經常便秘和胃脹氣的人也容 易長鼻痘。 長效建議:少食刺激性食品 (與卵巢機能或生殖系統有關。不要過度縱欲或禁欲,多到戶外呼吸新鮮空氣。) 減少肉類攝取,謝絕火鍋、冷食和辛辣食品。食物和水都要用溫熱的,以免刺激胃液分泌過多導致胃酸,胃酸也會讓胃火加劇。 一般由於皮脂分泌較多。也可能跟卵巢機能或生殖系統有關。定要及時清除毛孔污垢。另外,不要過度縱欲或禁欲。多多享受健康自然的環境。


便 秘或者腸熱、吃了太多辛辣、油炸食物是嘴唇周圍長痘的原因,當然,如果使用含氟過多的牙膏也會刺激長痘。 長效建議:舒腸助排毒 (便秘導致體內毒素累積,或是使用含氟過量的牙膏。 應多吃高纖維的蔬菜水果,調整飲食習慣。 若長在人中部位,則可能是泌尿與生殖系統問題,女性可能會有白帶問題,男性則常出現頻尿,一定要就醫治療。 ) 服用一次輕瀉劑幫助緩解症狀,可以配合腹部按摩幫助排出宿便。連吃幾天富含纖維的食物疏通腸道,問題就迎刃而解。


出現在雙眉中間的痘痘最不能輕視,回憶一下是否最近經常出現心悸、胸口悶的症狀,當心臟活力減弱時這裏才會長痘。 長效建議:注意保護心臟。遠離劇烈運動,增加睡眠,遠離煙酒和刺激,同時儘快諮詢心臟方面的專家,找出問題所在。


因為卸妝沒卸乾淨,或者清潔時忽略了這個小細節,造成角質太厚,毛孔堵塞,容易在發際或眉間形成細小痘痘。 長效建議:清潔照顧邊緣細節 每天潔面時注意發際邊緣的清潔,及時清除會堵塞發際周圍毛孔的毛孔代謝物。


左 臉頰長痘說明你的血液排毒能力降低,有可能是肝臟出現了問題或是血液迴圈出現了問題。 長效建議:加速血液迴圈 (肝功能不順暢,有熱毒。 注意作息正常,保持心情愉快,該吹冷空氣就吹,不要讓身體處在悶熱的環境中。 ) 不要讓身體處在悶熱中,可以用溫度略低於體溫的水洗澡,多到戶外活動,吃一些涼血的食物,如絲瓜、冬瓜、柿餅、綠豆等。 一般表示肝氣鬱滯,壓力過大。如果平時壓力過大,又沒有學會適當調節、又沒有個給自己“解壓”的人,常常會感到莫名其妙地心煩意亂,甚至為一點點小事而暴 跳如雷,這是肝氣鬱滯的表現。 應該照照鏡子,看看舌頭是不是有點發紫發暗呢?中醫理論認為,長期的情志不抒,也會影響肝的疏泄功能,如果此時你發現在左側臉頰長出了痘痘,這就提醒該注 意放鬆心情、消除緊張感了。在中醫理論中,肝不僅管理著情志,更有藏血的功能,如果長期情志不暢,造成氣機鬱滯且不及時調整的話,還會影響到女性的月經, 甚至生殖生育的過程。這類情況的降火應注重呵護肝臟。 肝是身體裏藏血的臟器,它努力工作,脾胃功能就能正常,氣、血、水的運行正常。養肝就要梳理它的性情,性情急躁只能助長它的暴脾氣,所以在精神上要保持柔 和、舒暢,力戒暴怒和抑鬱。這樣就不會讓肝氣過旺,肝可以維持正常的疏導功能。 淩晨1~3點,是肝最強的時間,我們能做的就是睡眠,給肝創造一個良好的工作環境;肝最弱的時間是下午1~5點,所以建議把辛苦的工作儘量堆在上午。 肝怕勞累,雖然一天中任何時候都應該注意休息,但下午1~5點這段時間更重要。如果必須工作,肝臟在體表開竅於眼睛,至少每隔一小時讓眼睛休息5分鐘。


右 臉頰痘痘是肺部有炎症的反映。如果你肺火上升、喉嚨乾燥、痰多咳嗽,留意一下右臉頰痘痘。 長效建議:禁食易敏食物 (肺功能失常。 注意保養呼吸道,儘量避免芒果、芋頭、海鮮等易過敏的食物。 ) 停止吃海鮮和芒果、酒類食物等易敏食物,過敏會讓你的氣管、支氣管、肺部更加不適。 一般表示有肺火蘊熱,肺氣不宣等的“肺火型”證候。不過這種痘痘多在秋天出現,而且多會伴有咳嗽、咽癢、咽痛、有痰等症狀。肺處於五臟最高的位置,被稱為 華蓋,它主司呼吸運動,從自然界吸入清氣,又把體內的濁氣排出體外,是心臟的輔臣,幫助新陳代謝順利進行。這類情況的降火不妨以滋補潤肺為主。上午7~9 點是肺最強的時間,有什麼運動最好放在這會兒做。在肺最有力的時候做些有氧運動,比如慢跑,能強健肺功能。肺最脆弱的時間是晚上9~11點,所以我們經常 發現晚上咳嗽得更厲害些,建議晚飯後口中含一片梨,到睡前刷牙時吐掉。潤肺最適合吃百合,百合性甘微苦,擅長潤肺止咳,清心安神,對肺病治療有很好的幫 助。   太陽穴痘VS膽囊 是不是吃了太多的工作餐、盒飯、速食食品?如果太陽穴周圍長痘,那是你的膽汁分泌不足,因為吃了過量的油脂而讓膽囊負擔加重。 長效建議:給膽囊減負。每天一杯苦瓜汁是最快捷的方法,或者食用其他瓜類,比如黃瓜、冬瓜,這些都能很好地吸收油脂。 太陽穴附近出現小粉刺,顯示你的飲食中包含了過多的加工食品,造成膽囊阻塞,需要趕緊行體內大掃除。如果不是太嚴重,也不用太擔心,要是有越來越嚴重的跡 象你最好到醫院去檢查一下為好。


長期肝臟 負 擔 加重後,會在耳際、脖子和臉交界處產生痘痘,反復爆發在同一位置,上升為淋巴迴圈不暢。 長效建議:促使肝膽排毒。不可勞累,飽飲飽食,適度增加睡眠時間,讓大量供應到大腦、腸胃的血液有充分時間供應肝膽排毒。特別要減少睡前飲食的習慣,不加 重腸胃負擔。 三角區長痘: 表示可能有胃腸不適,甚至長期便秘。如果長期嗜食辛辣、油膩或嗜酒,就會導致胃腸蘊熱。 中醫理論認為,如果經常吃一些熱性食物,胃腸道中就容易積有熱邪,從而造成胃腸不通暢,傳輸功能受阻,不僅會引發消化不良、口幹、口臭、便秘等問題,而且 還容易在鼻頭、唇周及三角區周圍出現痘痘。據統計,有20%左右的便秘病人會在口角四周長痘,另外有胃病的患者也容易在口唇周圍冒出一些痘痘來,尤其是喜 甜食、偏食及不愛吃蔬菜的人。這類情況的降火應注重護腸養胃。 對於腸胃不好的人,中醫通常會建議他養成定時排便的習慣,並每天晨起即喝杯淡鹽水,早餐再喝杯牛奶,促使大腸菌產生乳酸,促進腸蠕動。另外,腦力工作者的 午餐不要吃得太飽,晚餐宜吃得清淡一些。每餐餐後吃1個蘋果,平時宜多吃菠菜、胡蘿蔔、番茄、胚芽米、橘子、地瓜等食物,多喝水,記住每天要喝足夠的 水。 如果長期嗜食辛辣、油膩或嗜酒,就會導致胃腸蘊熱。中醫理論認為,如果經常吃一些熱性食物,胃腸道中就容易積有熱邪,從而造成胃腸不通暢,傳輸功能受阻, 不僅會引發消化不良、口幹、口臭、便秘等問題,而且還容易在鼻頭、唇周及三角區周圍出現痘痘。據統計,有20%左右的便秘病人會在口角四周長痘。 有胃病的患者也容易在口唇周圍冒出一些痘痘來,尤其是喜甜食、偏食及不愛吃蔬菜的人。這類情況的降火應注重護腸養胃。對於腸胃不好的人,中醫通常會建議他 養成定時排便的習慣,並每天晨起即喝杯淡鹽水,早餐再喝杯牛奶,促使大腸菌產生乳酸,促進腸蠕動。 另外,腦力工作者的午餐不要吃得太飽,晚餐宜吃得清淡一些。每餐餐後吃1個蘋果,平時宜多吃菠菜、胡蘿蔔、番茄、胚芽米、橘子、地瓜等食物,多喝水,記 住每天要喝足夠的水。


一般表示體內激素失調,週期失衡。 有 些 女 性已過三十,但“青春痘”卻依然比較嚴重,而且通常只長在下巴,還逐漸形成規律,月經來的時候長,月經結束的時候會消,如此周而復始。這主要是由於體內激 素分泌非常旺盛,變化的幅度比較大,內分泌失調而引起的。 從現代醫學的角度看,青春痘多由雄性激素分泌過盛所致,而女人年過三十,雌激素分泌減少導致對雄激素的制約減弱,造成雄激素相對過盛而起痘。這類情況最好 的解決方法是補充激素。但是,不論是合成類激素、植物性激素還是類激素物質,在改善症狀的同時往往會抑制人體自身激素的分泌,不可避免地使身體產生依賴 性。而人們過量的補充和自身分泌的抑制,往往又造成雌、孕激素等多種激素間失衡,引發內分泌失調,出現月經紊亂、乳腺纖維瘤、子宮內膜異位、息肉,甚至乳 腺癌、子宮癌等嚴重疾患。 內分泌失調。要少吃冰冷的東西。每個月在月經來潮前後下顎長出一顆顆小痘,這區域的皮膚變化與卵巢有直接關係,可以進行身體按摩或是淋巴引流改善。 雙眉間長痘: 胸悶,心律不整,心悸。建議不要做太過激烈的運動,避免煙、酒、辛辣食品。 不要做太過激烈的運動,避免煙、酒、辛辣食品。


胃 火過盛,消化系統異常。應少吃冰冷食物。 胸部:與長在人中位置的青春痘一樣. 要注意泌尿與生殖系統問題,需就醫治療。 太陽穴:太陽穴附近出現小粉刺,顯示你的飲食中包含了過多的加工食品,造成膽囊阻塞,需要趕緊行體內大掃除。 前額: 前額出現痘斑,是肝臟裏含有過多的毒素所致,必須減少食用含糖分過高的食物,更要避免用太多的酒精。 眼睛周圍: 眼睛周圍乾澀,或是出現乾燥地表的裂紋,顯示你有必要加強維他命B2及B6的攝取。 嘴角: 嘴角出現細微的皺紋了,表示你要多多補充鐵質了。


眼 睛下方與腎臟有直接的關係,當出現黑眼圈,眼袋及浮腫現象時,表示你喝了太多的咖啡和茶,這類飲料都是鹼性的,有必要節制這類的飲料。 鼻子兩側: 鼻子兩側出現黑頭粉刺,輕微乾燥脫皮現象,表示血液迴圈不良,可以適度進行按摩,加強這部分皮膚的血液迴圈。或是適量補充鋅,維他命B2及B6。 臉頰兩側: 這部分皮膚出現粉刺,表示飲食必須加以節制,不要暴飲暴食,多食用幫助身體去毒的食物 如蘋果,竹筍,對身體腸胃的清潔有很大的功效。 另外,吸煙多的人臉頰容易出現浮腫,並出現清晰的微血管紋路,這是皮膚缺氧氣的訊號,最好解決辦法就是戒煙。 口頸部:若青春痘長在下巴周圍像落腮胡甚至長到頸部,與胃功能有關,多半是胃部濕熱型,要少吃辣與油炸食品

Thursday, January 27, 2011


兔年兔年~ 我很多朋友就在今年24嵗咯!!
還好我還年輕~ (也只是年輕一嵗)。

爲什麽啊?難道沒有公司要凴請我?(= =|||

但是如果有人要我,我當然很樂意的~ 呵呵~

