I failed my midterm. 1st time in my study life. I failed exam.
Bullshit!! What the hell is happen here? I have studied extra harder than anyone else. I made a great effort on every subject. I studied until 4am at night and woke on 8am in the morning. HOW COME MY RESULT IS WORSE THAN EVERYONE ELSE?
why is that all my effort has paid nothing back? I tried so hard in my study. I did the tutorial questions again and again. and yet, I FAILED my test!!
this is not the 1st time I always get bad result on my study. No matter how hard I try, no matter how much effort I had put in. It seems useless. My results always the worst among all my friends.
I envy of those friends who last minute study and can score well.. How can they so lucky enough that the questions come out are the questions they had revised. All these years I had tried my best, burning midnight oil everynight. However, my hardworks didn't pay off. I hate this world. I hate this kind of situation happen to me.